brite-orange: September 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008

Blood bank 2

You spilt your blood
Red wet into the ground
Giving life to a new nation
To gain your independence

So much blood lost
So many lives given
You are in charge now
You must take control

Visit the hospital blood bank
It is empty just a sachet or two
No one gives their blood freely now
To help build this nation strong

Such an easy gift to give
At no cost to you
to help a fellow citizen
to bind the country closer

Please give your blood
To help a stranger
To share your life blood
To help save a life of another

Blood Bank

Some much blood spilled to gain freedom
Countless lives lost to found this great country
Other people were starved to death in the hills
Or rounded up and shot for your independence
Such heroic deeds and so much loss
So you can decide your own path
Free to make your choices count
This time there is no one else to blame

In contrast the blood bank is almost empty
A few sachets of blood is all that is there
People willing to give their life for their country
Can’t yet find it in themselves to donate their blood

Do you know you can help a stranger?
A fellow citizen can live by you giving blood.
What stops you from sacrificing now?
Spilt blood is washed away soaked into the land
A gift of blood is given to another and binds you
A nation more closely together leaving behind
Past differences and looking together to the future
Where the whole is more than the sum of parts

A-ve, B+ve what ever group you are the country need you
To give freely of you blood this time to build the nation
To bring unity and shared purpose to all is people
What a gift you can give to save a life at no cost to you.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Uniquely Similar

How have I got to where I am?
A question a friend asked
Quite a while ago now!

I pondered and let the thought float
In my head unheeded to find its way
Sowing a seed in fertile soil, I felt it grow.

So why am I here in my life?
And why is she where she is?
Different places – and a certain stillness in me

Many thoughts came and went
She is busy raising the bar
I don’t have a bar to lift (just one to sit at!)

Perhaps she sees a world of individuals
Competition and ranks pushing
Always striving to achieve

I see a world of individuals too
But we are all on one earth and
We are similar, perhaps even the same

This frees me from a lot of stress
I am living my own life shared
With all others in wonder and joy.

She though has a stronger sense of self
And now I see I am less defined
We will reach the middle from different ends!

Possession is poison

Possessions we have but “what do we own?”
Things to surround us, things to touch
Beautiful and sometimes useful too
A home, a car, a circle of friends
A trophy wife, at least a woman who says yes!
A wealthy man, fit and handsome who likes to cook!
Two stereo types that don’t fit the world
Though the world spins on and on

Ask the questions
“What do we own?”
“What do we really possess?”

Western greed pushes us
Towards financial wealth
the list of wants
Perceived as desperate needs
Ghandi had it down pat
The difference blurred
Between real needs and greed,
Possessiveness and acquisition

But ask the questions again
“What do we own?”
“What do we really possess?”

Perhaps nothing but our thoughts?
Possessiveness poisons clarity
Freedom comes in letting go
A journeys end beginning to be reached
To let loose - to understand
There is nothing to own
Only temporary caring and stewardship
Every one similar in uniqueness
All are born to live life and then pass on
To a life after life
We are all on our way
Are we really in possession of ourselves?
Or are we all one slowly
Joining our individuality

Is this nonsense?
Do we just die?
Dust to dust “there, there darling” a sigh
A fire, ashes to ashes, a puff and its gone

I certainly wonder what it is all about
How about you?


An evil feeling
the devils work
Deceptive and knawing
Dark devious
Cunning and imaginative
Wild, hurtful and hurting.
Inside twisting
Uncertainty in every turn
Any relief short lived
Spiteful inner rage
Appearing calm though
External twitches,
Snide remarks
And comments bursting out
Betray the swelling
Tensions within.
Tightening and squeezing
The goodness out
Leaving black poisoned
Lifeless blood
Congealed spirits
Stuck in each painful
Unfolding moment
Coldly watchful
So lost in themselves
So lonely and distant
From the feelings they felt
And think they feel

Let go, let go, let the fuck go
Give it up, shut up, put up
Grow up and get on.
Be still serpent be still
Release the pain, the mess
Then be still and listen
There are other voices within.
Can you hear them,
Can you hear them yet?
Listen, listen be still
Let go, let go, let the fuck go
Possession is poison
What can you really own
Who are you to control
Anything except
that which is within
Be still and listen
Can you hear them yet?
Kind gentle voices within
Be still and listen.
Shhhhhhhhhhhh, I said listen.

Loving and losing by numbers

Loving and losing by numbers
A and C meet B (D is a sideline issue)

Girl 1 = A
Girl 2 = C
Boy 1 = B
Boy 2 = D

1. A and C on a beach one day meet B
2. B likes C
3. But B totally in the thrall of A
4. C followed her heart
5. C followed D
6. D trashed C’s heart
7. And C was vulnerable
8. A and B hit it off
9. B is a rock for C

10. Time passes..tick tock

11. B declares his feeling for A
12. A feels but hesitates
13. A’s head leads her heart
14. B is all in a quandary
15. C is unaware of Bs feelings for A
16. Cs rock becomes more than that
17. C falls for B and behold they share a house
18. C is pleased to share with B
19. C wants more

20. Time passes..tick tock

21 But B wants A
22 C and A are also good friend
23 A girls night out
24 Who says what to who first
25 A admits B is smitten
26 C keeps quiet but her heart is broken twice
27 C makes a plan
28 C cant have B
29 Then B cant have A

30 Time passes...tick tock

31 B and C live together
32 Things change at home
33 C influences A
34 C drives in a wedge
35 That pushes A away from B
36 A listens to C
37 But B lives with C
38 And A does not
39 B sees C for what she wants

40 Time passes...tick tock

41 B is a gentleman
42 B does not tell A
43 A sides with C – women unite
44 B has his heart broken
45 C smiles inwardly
46 A distrusts B’s genuine intent
47 B could become melancholic, not openly loved
48 A has been duped by C
49 C has won but everyone loses

50 Time passes...tick tock

The Unrequited chain of love

A man in the middle

A man shackled fixed bound firm
Between 2 women
A cold iron chain
three links long
The mans heart given to one
The other binds her heart

To the man in the middle

Manacles of time and space
Bonds of heart strings
Strained straining pulling
The two women’s links
Do not normally touch
But at one moment they share a view

Of the man in the middle

He touches them both in different ways
Feeling the tightness
Gripping them all
Two wanting to be free
The third not letting them go.
Happier to be bound in pain

To the man in the middle

Dont run away

The sea is rising, an inexorable tide
Try as I may the waves crash about
All this running and no where to hide
My heart screaming - no need just to shout

Screaming inside at the top of my voice “WHY?”
Why is it that I am attracted to those
Who love me only a certain amount - I cry
I try to accept that is the way they chose

What is it in me that acts as a sign?
a big flag above my head saying
This is a lovely man - he is fine
Enjoy time with him but no laying no staying

What is it in me?
What do they see/?
To care but not to fall
To love but also to stall

Is it a defect inside?
If so where does it hide?
As I grow I also know
I have so much to show

If it works out
I will shout
In a voice of full of joy
Done with being coy

The love will be a sight
But I need to find the lady… right?
Or is just finding my love inside
And being the best I can be
And when it is seen
Then the rest follows
As authentic love is free.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Killer Blow

I am a strict man
That is how I am.
As I was a father to my son
I wanted the best for him
It is easily done
I did not praise him
I always expected more.
Good he was but never
Quite good enough for me
A mortar shell
A shrapnel wound
The blood run
By his sister
Amongst the falling bombs
The risk all in vain
In the morning he was gone

My son has died
the grief the loss.
How could you know
The half of it?

I stopped my work
In the factory
And opened a shop
And each day my friends
Came in and talked
They talked of my son
The kind young man they knew
They knew unlike me
I was strict with him
With them he was free to be
They saw I side I never saw
They saw a side
I will now never see
His fun and joy for life
Taken from me
By the person I am.

My son has died
the grief the loss.
How could you know
The half of it?