brite-orange: Jealousy

Friday, September 26, 2008


An evil feeling
the devils work
Deceptive and knawing
Dark devious
Cunning and imaginative
Wild, hurtful and hurting.
Inside twisting
Uncertainty in every turn
Any relief short lived
Spiteful inner rage
Appearing calm though
External twitches,
Snide remarks
And comments bursting out
Betray the swelling
Tensions within.
Tightening and squeezing
The goodness out
Leaving black poisoned
Lifeless blood
Congealed spirits
Stuck in each painful
Unfolding moment
Coldly watchful
So lost in themselves
So lonely and distant
From the feelings they felt
And think they feel

Let go, let go, let the fuck go
Give it up, shut up, put up
Grow up and get on.
Be still serpent be still
Release the pain, the mess
Then be still and listen
There are other voices within.
Can you hear them,
Can you hear them yet?
Listen, listen be still
Let go, let go, let the fuck go
Possession is poison
What can you really own
Who are you to control
Anything except
that which is within
Be still and listen
Can you hear them yet?
Kind gentle voices within
Be still and listen.
Shhhhhhhhhhhh, I said listen.


Blogger Hope said...


This really strikes a chord.


4:54 am  

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