brite-orange: July 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A wall between

Two bodies
Two beds
One restless night

A wall between

Twisted bed sheets
Writhing minds
Dreaming of another’s touch

The start of love?
Like a little itch
You cannot hide
Its difficult not to scratch

The wall
The skin
The itch
The touch

Do you scratch?

A loving look

Eyes so pure
The heart shining out
The presence
The age with beauty
The serenity
Listening without judgement
A flow so physical
You can feel the touch

Thursday, July 24, 2008

An honest letter

Can you win madam or sir
Pouring out your heart by hand
In passion opening up more freely
Than with the spoken word
Received by a heart that is closed
Not opened by your truth
Scared afraid young
Suddenly sees an age
Too early too soon
run away to the moon

Missives sent
With honest intent
Well meant
Causing dissent
Hearts rent
Don’t repent

Trust your heart

Don’t double guess
Don’t repress
Feelings of truth
for those you love

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A closed opening

Too afraid to answer questions we pose ourselves
Questions we are afraid to ask- if we are afraid to ask we know the question

Somewhere along the line we need to question
What we are and what we think

We toy with ourselves, tease and trick ourselves
Circling the real questions, touching
clawing and flying off like vultures eying up
A dying, striving, surviving corpse
it is where we all end

our methods do differ
some attack bash breaking themselves
against their own will stubbornly defending
their own door against themselves
not realising they are on their own side
others creep quietly by thinking avoidance is an answer
and that one day the questions………………will disappear

I believe each door is opened when it is ready
When the time and place is correct
the key fits, the numbers roll right for the combination lock

Knowing the questions is the start
Though you may not immediately understand
Let the answers come through your art
But as time passes by, the door will appear again
As you pass through life changes within and outside
Will make it feel right to step through
the door no longer barred and see that part of you
you need to trust and embrace

inside the room you will discover
so many doors opened already by you
to see your hidden and secret self

be strong and patient - do not rush time - nor should you wait
accepting self, not denying self
through every door there is a lesson a learning
you can share to help other people find their own internal peace

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A story told

A story told
a precious touch a hold
Of a love that unfolds

Early commitment and real excitement
Followed by distance then abandonment
Talking of keeping dignity intact
Remaining rather matter of fact
Really the feelings are sore
Seeing a hidden heart still raw

A story told
as love turns cold
and new life unfolds

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Rasta Dreads

Hair is like humans
we are individual strands
of life with an end
and a beginning
Dreadlocks are many hairs
All individual but united

Hanging together
woven combined

Supporting each other
from the beginning
to the end
to the new beginning

Monday, July 07, 2008

Village life

The dipping sun painting hills rusty red
Crimson flowers, trees lush greens deepen
Coffee dried in the day collected in at dusk
The beauty of the stars and the moonlit night
Draws you into to romantic notions of their life
Meal time comes seated as an honoured guest.
Dogs prowl and snap are teased for scraps
Thrown and devoured bones nothing is left
In the background they make a bed for my rest

A full moon casts shadows it is so bright
Women clear the food and the drinking begins
The gentle spirits lit by candles spilling wax
Smiles broaden and teeth show white - a stereo type
All have stories to tell, I watch and listen
The language is one I do not understand
Though emotions, hands and eyes tell so much
I feel I am a part of them and laugh - I am touched

The peaceful idyll is not all pillows and plush
Life here is hard - harder than the bamboo bed I share
It is cold and the noises of dogs and roosters shatter
Restless fitful dozing - babies crying and being hushed
For one night it is something that does not matter
I walk before dawn to watch the sun rise in the east
I follow the moon as it departs behind the distant hills
My bones warm in the early melting pink sun spills

I watch the village routine unfold in the gathering light
I heard it start before dawn the women going for water
From a distant spring - their dignity grace and strength
Worlds apart the gulf I am trying to cross to understand
Kids are all flesh and blood tantrums cheeky and shy
Showing me we are all one we are born the same
Happy in their bright uniforms and frolicking fun
Dogs cleaning up after toddlers before they are done

I can leave and I can shower and change - have a cold beer
These wonderful generous people will stay and continue to live
To laugh and cry - to have babies and die.
A depth a lesson a humbling gratitude sinks in
We bleed the same. I feel weak. They have strength
They have a sense of life and death. A closeness to nature
Western lies try to eliminate with shiny things.
I have restarted a journey here seeking understanding

Friday, July 04, 2008

Use a Condom

In our new country
Catholic rules are a lie
A disease is being spread
HIV something we dread

Use a condom
Use a condom

The new pope statue revealed
But the AIDs truth is concealed
These curses making us cry
Comes with the bloody malay

Use a condom
Use a condom

The old Christ at Christo Rei
Live in faith you hear them say
You tell that to the dying people
In the shadow of your church steeple

Use a condom
Use a condom

What craziness this is to us
The mad religious fuss
About a rubber on a cock
Do not let Aids run amok

Use a condom
Use a condom

Poet for the People

You are the voice of the nation
Your anger and frustration

Rides a crest of a wave
Surfing over the rave

Your power and poetry
Darkness and hurt you cry

To rise and live free
From the malay you see

Your passion in the rap
Seems to turn on a tap

Amongst the youth
Searching for their truth

Your words help them form
Opinions that lead reform

The young nation needs you
To shout loud what is true

Helping the spirit guide
The turning growing tide

Towards a real fresh start
As Timor finds its own heart

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

boxes ticked

Love...What is love?

Can it be bound
Confined to a list of musts
And nice to haves
love can not be chained
Can not be boxed

love can not be defined
love is an endless ocean
a surprising inland sea
the light of a perfect day
bathing all in equal generosity
warming each it touches
deep inside their heart
Love…. What is love


When seen when felt
It is a blessing
To behold
To cherish
But it is for all
Not just for one to hold
let it be free

Love…..What is love?