brite-orange: November 2007

Friday, November 30, 2007

Who wants to regret?

We do such a good job
of tearing into ourselves
harsh and critical in the extreme

What do we hope to achieve
a life of false pressure
self destruction a goal
dissatisfaction and denial

We are better than this
so much good hidden
by us our own devices
devious and cunning
limiting and sad
long term regrets

wryly i smile as i write
these words i read
and know their truth
applies in part to me

Each day each hour
a step on my journey
the path is not straight
but i do now see
a future a light
a place with out regret
and life from there
reflected and knowing
there and then things
will be at peace

We know we can help
we are the ones
we take time but
there is not time to waste
our life is short
our life precious
our own to make

be open to angels
who help but know
who is responsible

It is my life
"I am in charge
I will live it"

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What is going on!

Water per litre in a bottle
is more expensive than petrol
Coke - fizzy and full of sugar
cost less than water
How does that work?
What is going on!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Clouds of what?

Imagine the sky filled with clouds
on a day with patches of blue in the sky
I'm a stood on one horizon
watching below the world pass by

As days go and nights pass between
we walk in our way towards and apart
our journeys and paths our own
we are drawn closer -contact starts

As our paths converge
i conjured with my mind
clouds to hide the fear
unnatural deceit not truly kind

obscuring my self my land my sky
It detaches me - allows a chance
to withdraw to measure the risks
safe but so alone at times

On good days light cascades
through to illuminate my land
for all to see all welcomed in
warmth peace a gentle hand

Bad days come - storm clouds gather
rain lashing, wind tugging like
a drowning mans desperate
despairing hands clawing me back

a wind of change is coming
to roll the clouds away
showing the sky full and clear
filling the land with suns rays

From then on my heart will grow
will flourish in the sunlight
natural earthy and connected
a joyful place for all delight

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Genie in a bottle

Our body is our bottle
our vessel for our spirit
in essence it is our mask
a casket ready made to die
unrubbed so often
unloved dark corners
unpolished and grimy
unfaced we fear to shine

Our genie our soul
we leave it undisturbed
quietly we tip toe by
life to death gone
we spend a life
a life of avoidance
slumbering numb
frozen remote unfeeling


We are afraid
to see
the uncorked us
set free
our bottle hides
the vulnerable us inside
soft exposed scared
truth and sensitivity
we retreat
into comfort
with self with all
a challenge
a step too far
without our bottle
where would we be


Imagine that
the freedom
no pressure
welling inside
our spirit soaring
so large so full
real and true
our hopes
and dream
our essence

Sunday, November 04, 2007

The Crying game

What is in a tear
when shed in grief
What is in a tear
when shed for relief

Your salty warmth
runs down your cheek
outwardly showing
your essence leaking

What is in a tear
when shed in grief
What is in a tear
when shed for relief

healing wrenching bliss
hearts structure changing
swelling turbulent release
of all the emotion within

"Eyes left look at that"

swagger and strut
preaning and posing
the leader of the pack
"eyes left look at that"
testosterone on two sticks
the third ready for action
any one any time
peacock cocky cock
larger than life
confidence swelled
fleshy wet
lolling tongues
roll around
their mouths and lips
touch of skin
grinding of hips
cut and thrust
"eyes left look at that"

I watch this game
playing out
feeling separate
sober though drunk

is it me
is it them

letting go
holding on too tight