brite-orange: November 2006

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Castles within

With brick walls there are no complaints
The barriers within are the real constraints
Emotions choke and barriers appear
Defense mechanisms. What do I fear?

Bursting pressures build to a kind of madness
The worst is an oppressive crushing sadness
Emotions explode and cracks open screaching
dislodged bricks fall heart wrenching

Views of alternative living snatched
Delicate and fragile times plans hatched
Grab this new delight with open arms
Walls that never come down is what harms

Change from without shores up the wall
and resistance grows stronger
Changes from within and the castle will fall
changes from inside last the longer

Push hard and the wall will tumble
A new way of life in to which you stumble
Be brave and adjust to this better place
enjoy the relief and the heart's open space

Never be afraid of colour

Wrapped in a grey weight
a dumbed down in spirit of late
A bright soul struggles free
cuccooned in drabness
wings bound and trapped
the heart beats still and waits

Yearning for flight
for freedom and light
rainbows of joy await
the heart bursts out
of the ribbed cage and
a dove of peace alights

Monday, November 27, 2006


Heart to art

Sculptural forms appear - embodied emotion in the minds eye
fingers shape the clay moulded and stirred by the heart
engaging absorbing mind and time - the release a gentle sigh
A peace is left - externalised feelings now turned to art

The Three "H's"

A code of life

Honesty gives purity and clarity of thought and feeling
This leads to open hearted intuition and true meaning

Humility allows you selflessly to gently give
and also means that you can fully receive

Humour lightens the heart, the spirit like a child
Health gives you courage and strength that is mild

(Ego is subsumed with true compassion)

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Sad................... sad
Pain ...................Hurts
Relief..................Sad sad
Sad HURT........ ....Relief pain
Sad light hurt pain sad hope sky
sadsadsad tears relief hurt sad
relief tears sky light HOPE sad
tears relief hope future hope
sad release space hope sad
hope light future tears
relief heart future
bright hope sky
OPEN heart

Monday, November 13, 2006

Acknowledge and Know My Truth

A new start born from openness and truth

Two women in my head
spinning and whirring
the wrong one in my bed
causing no stirring

It is time to depart
to refind my soul
To follow my heart
is my intended goal

and if the woman that I seek
is still unsure about the past
I will be true. I will not be meek
I am clear and my feelings will last

At least I have been true
and my heart have chanced
And I will not be blue
and my self will enhance

But if she falls for me
the way I feel deep inside
What joy there will be
a love in my heart can now reside

To a former lover

A poem from a while ago

Thou who dwells within me
Thou whom I have dwelt within
Teach me love
Teach my heart to sing

My Dad's Poem

I handed this in at school and never owned up to the teacher
that it was my dad that wrote it

So this is to honour the true author, my Dad.

Alexander Flemming
Found a way of Stemming
The flow of infection
By giving an injection

Monday, November 06, 2006

The Dignity of Difference

Give us respect for ourselves
We are all the same flesh and blood
Contained in skin and held on bones
Recognise and enjoy the similarities
Allow us the dignity of our differences

We are many races
With wonderful faces

Colours beautifully varied
Every tone rich and warm

The languages we speak do not define
They give a voice to allow us to shine

Sexual orientation is our own
Let us freely be who we are

Spirituality should radiate peace and unity
We are one world joined only through humility

Thursday, November 02, 2006
