brite-orange: March 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

The first kiss

A single kiss 
as we depart 
our first meeting over
so much in that kiss
bold and yet shy
lips just parted
a possibility
a connection
a door left open

Easter Snow

Snowman relics litter the park
melting and abandoned
surrounded by grass.

Know the childlike joy and mirth
that went into building them
is now seeping back into the earth

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Authentic look

I see it now as I walk down the street
I see it in the way our eyes meet
I am all there in the way I look
I can glance and cast a hook
to capture and engage with all
a smile and wink, standing tall.
People see the real me at last
the world in my eyes is vast
pools of gentle love flowing
life is now giving and growing

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Silk Worm

Protecting self 
by not falling in love
not wanting to hurt
cocooned inside 
spinning silk to protect
to soften every landing
remaining unconnected
known for the soft
ephemeral touch
inside wiggles and churns
the truth wormlike 
wanting to 
be seen

That is no more for me


I am a beautiful
that has 
taken to flight

What did you see?

A weird dream, a wonderful dream

I was in a home by a fire
An autistic man asked
"What did you see on the tele"
I saw that I had not really 
learnt my lessons - not yet

This was a second time 
I had visited his home
from the future
I was there as 
a second chance.
At first I had missed my boat

I came back and saw
an opportunity for 
love and care
tenderness for whoever
a touch a kiss
the genuine
warmth of a smile
I saw my joy
over spilling