brite-orange: Losing, Grief and Hurt

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Losing, Grief and Hurt

Any loss causes what?
Do all sentient creatures feel it
Are humans special in this way
what does it mean to find?

Losing things
losing friends
losing lovers
losing family

Is there a scale like the wind
Who decides this ?
What is the right and the wrong
Where have they actually gone?

Loss leads to grieving
if you chose that way
greiving leads to hurt
searing tearing pain

What hurt do you suffer
How strong is the wind
how long does it blow
torment and torture
through your life

Is it possible to lose
and feel no hurt?
is it possible to lose
and ultimately let go?

Can time pass allowing healing to occur
so memories become joyful
The happiness rippling forward
letting the good spirits live on

How would you like to be remembered?
Do you want to be a burden on those left?
to see those you love suffer your loss
by carrying their grief heavy and long


Would you like them to be lifted
see them strengthened by the joy
your life held for them singing
praise and remembering you.

An irreplaceable part of their life
always special always unique
now untainted by change and time
theirs to hold close to their heart


Blogger beardysanchez said...

A conversation at WOMAD that is still incomplete!!

When will it be I wonder

9:31 pm  

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