brite-orange: Phoenix arises

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Phoenix arises

Stroking your hair across time and space
Curling, falling around your shoulders
I did not want to breathe my heart racing
not wanting to break the spell.

I can remember the evening so long ago like last night
The sighs, the feelings, the anticipation in the room
desiring so much - such beauty beneath my finger tips
A moment suspended in time - caught in amber.

A renewed contact, a surprise, an invite before it is too late…
A warm feeling awoke the embers within
fanned so easily into flames.
I can feel your hair again and I touch you in my mind.

The time to tell you the truth has come
The time lost should be lost no more
To explore the feelings to hold you tight
to gently explore the divine.

I wanted to break the spell, to melt the amber
I wanted more than to stroke your hair
I wanted to kiss your lips - to feel your skin
to smile and to say, “In this moment I love you”.


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