brite-orange: December in the garden

Sunday, December 09, 2007

December in the garden

Cold winter working
A chill in the air
Storm clouds brewing
already imagine  
the tea in the pot

Bulbs to plant in a new bed
croci and daffodils 
snowdrops and tulips
a patient cold burial 
in clods of damp earth

Hands chilled and grimy
sticky mud caked boots
nails black with dirt
red robins watch intently
for wriggling  worms 

Cold through as you 
step back indoors 
looking forward to spring
boots off - find the teabag and milk
the kettle is filled and on

Ping the kettle is boiled
pouring in a cloud of steam
the bag squeeze of every juicy drop
fingers wrapping around the mug
a glow spreading happy content
as you warm your hands again 

the anticipation of growth
patches of white drops
bright yellow clumps 
forgotten and remembered
when they emerge to joy

dark early life waiting to burst
a short day passes 
as the festive season comes
investing in the future
planning for the beauty 
natures growth begun


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