brite-orange: Drinking with my thief Daryl

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Drinking with my thief Daryl

A coffee bar a table and two chairs
The thief and the victim facing each other
the victim in a position of inner peace and strength
the thief fiddling nervous uncertain

this is not the normal way things go
The crime yes but the impact is not seen
the forgiveness and understanding
strange and new - getting under his skin
Their past was linked he was liked then
and still liked now but choices aren't easy
his mum doesnt sew but still uses needles
the neighbourhood small and tough

Life for the victim easier than for the thief
but is this a turning point
a chance for change
will there be more crime or less
will he see other possibilities
or get sucked back in
who is who and what is what
society and the neighbourhood
aren't there to assist
will the victim's faith be enough
will the thief become a man


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